Diamond Certified | The Floor Store

Diamond Certified Dealer

Proudly Diamond Certified every year since 2008, signifying our commitment to excellence.

Diamond Certified | The Floor Store

Diamond Certified

Proudly Diamond Certified every year since 2008, signifying our commitment to excellence.

Larry | The Floor Store
Larry Flick

Our President

The Floor Store’s founder and president Larry Flick comes from a family with a long and venerable history in the flooring business.

He is the third of four kids who grew up in and around Dalton, Georgia, the heart of carpet country. His father, Robert Flick, owned RJ Flick Associates for more than 50 years. Throughout the textile industry, his name is never mentioned without admiration – and often something more like awe.

Diamond Certified | The Floor Store

Rated Highest in Quality and Helpful Expertise




Since July 2008


Our Ratings Dashboard

What our customers think:


Verified Customer Surveyed


Helpful Expertise


Customer Satisfaction


customer loyalty

What Does It Mean To Be Diamond Certified?

It is an independent certification of local companies on behalf of consumers. To qualify for Diamond Certified, you must have a customer satisfaction rating of 95% or higher. Only companies that pass a rigorous survey of real customers earn the prestigious Diamond Certified award, signifying they have risen to the top of their field.

Diamond Certified ensures that you have confidence in the company that you choose. It is committed to performing all ratings and ongoing certification work with the highest integrity and accuracy. We believe that:

– You, the consumer, have the right to know which companies are truly performing at the highest level of quality.

– The highest quality companies should be rewarded for their ongoing performance through public recognition.

– Companies should be accountable for their performance, one customer at a time.

Proudly Diamond Certified Since 2008

We are proud of our certification; only a few companies can earn Diamond Certified. We earned our certification in 2008 and have maintained it every year since. But you don’t have to trust us; you can review the process, the criteria, and what our customers have told the Diamond Certified team time and time again.